Nov 7, 2011

A Friend for Tea and What that Means to Me

Since I love to write but am never really sure what to write about, a friend of mine gave me a topic to write on and then share at our next tea.  The topic was friendship.  In particular a question; What does friendship mean to you?  A very good topic.

I wrote it three times.  The first two were nothing short of a research paper on friendship.  They didn't cut it.  Friendship is too valuable of a topic; it needed to be from the heart.

One afternoon as we sat for tea and with trembling hands, I shared with her my answer to her question.  Here is a portion I would like to share with you...


Just looking at the word itself on the stark whiteness of a page, makes me think of a treasure. Something to be valued, cherished, something unique and special. If I had a treasure box of the things I hold dearest to my heart, friendship would surely be nestled with great care amongst my other treasures.

There was a time in my life when I longed for a real friend, someone who would see me for everything I really am, all the good and all the bad. All my pain and all my joy. Someone who was not afraid to call me out when I was wrong and encourage me when I was right. Someone who would be there to listen when I needed to talk. Someone who welcomed me into their life with unconditional love.  Someone who would allow me to be all of the same to them. These are all the things that friendship means to me.

I prayed for many years and through many tears for that friend.

God answered my cry, just as He promises He would.

"He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry.  When He hears it He will answer you..."
Isaiah 30:19

There was a second part to her question.  Would you rather have a few good friends or many friends? Another good question...

Not only did God answer my cries for that friend, He answered ten-fold.

"Now all glory be to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more that we might ask or think or imagine..."
Ephesians 3:20

Over time, very special people came into my life and have made a profound impact on who I am today. Each one brought, in their own way, something new and special to the meaning of friendship. I would not turn away someone whom I felt God was bringing into my life as a true friend. So can answer the question of how many? I am not in control of quantity, I am only in control of quality, of what I offer and what I am open to receiving from each person brought into my life. God has it in His hands who and how many He brings.

The origins of the word, friend, are stemmed out of the middle English language. From my limited English studies, this was a language that encompasses passion and holds value in its words. The origin of the word friend is 'to love'.

To me that really sums it up. Friendship is a continuum of love.  I love this bible passage which speaks to the value of relationships:

"Love one another with a genuine affection and take great delight in honoring one another."
Romans 12:10

Genuine love and honor - it sums up what friendship is to me.

I was delighted to take the time to then sit with my friend and tell her what she meant to me as a friend. A precious moment.

What does friendship mean to you? Do you have a friend in your life who needs to know today what they mean to you?  I encourage you to honor and love completely, those special people who are brought into your life. Your friends.

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