Oct 16, 2011

Becoming a Child Again

Do you ever wish you could be a child again? I do.

I look at my children and think that they have pretty good lives...

They are carefree and happy.

They have everything they need provided for them.

They lack nothing.

They don't have to question whether they'll have food or clean clothes.

They don't have to wonder how they're going to get to their next event.

They never wake up in the middle of the night wondering if the budget will stretch far enough.

They know they will be taken care of.

They have parents that they trust will take care of their every need.

I would love to be more like them, more carefree, less anxious.
And I really should be more like them because I do have a parent that cares for me. In fact, He takes care of me better than any parent on earth. God is my heavenly Father, and He has promised to provide everything I need.
Even better, He doesn't just provide for my needs, He wants to bless me with an abundant life. God doesn't want me to be anxious about anything. Instead of being anxious, He wants me to talk to Him about it, and He promises me peace in anxiety's place. He wants to replace my fears with trust in Him. He wants me to relax in His care.

God our Father cares so much that He doesn't just do this for me. God is so loving, He desires to do this for all of His children. He desires for you to be His child too.

You don't just have to wish to be a child again. You can be a child of God.

But to all who believed Jesus and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12)

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