Jun 8, 2011

Uncontainable JOY

The last little while on my facebook profile page I have been listing my 100 favourite things. Just this past Sunday I knew that sitting and watching America's Funniest Home Videos with my kids had to make the list.

I barely watch the show. I catch a video once in awhile and laugh, but no matter where I am in the house, I am still drawn to come and sit with my three little men because of their contagious laughter. I watch their eyes sparkle as they cackle, I love the sound of their hands hitting their legs when the laughter itself isn't enough and I love the looks they give each other, like 'can you believe that?'.

Indisputable Joy.
Uninterrupted Joy.
Innocent Joy.
Timeless Joy.
Precious Joy.
Contagious Joy.
Uncontainable Joy.

Who doesn't want to be found in the midst of joy like that?

I love it when people say, "if we could bottle that stuff and sell it we'd make a fortune". Wouldn't it be great to have a bottle of joy you could just open when you needed a pick me up? I am convinced that stuff would go flying off the shelves. I am certain that Costco would have an entire aisle of bulk stock in a heart beat and it would be gone equally fast.

So here is the thing about joy. It isn't bottled. It isn't random. It is available. To you. Today. For Free. If I could post a link here that said - FREE JOY - I bet we'd have a thousand hits within minutes.

Do you know where that link would take you?

Straight to the heart of God. He is joy. He created you with joy. He saved you with joy. And he loves you with joy. He wants to and is ready to offer you that joy. You can have an endless supply in your life...

All you need to do is invite the source of all joy into your life. It is as simple as asking God to come and be in your life. He will not turn you away, his word, the bible assures that 'if you seek, you shall find'. Ask God how to find him - he will show you.

What are you waiting for - Joy is waiting for you.

To learn more about how to know God, you really can click here:)

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