May 11, 2011

Learning to Persevere

Twenty seconds was reasonable.

Forty was pushing it. 

One minute I considered pure insanity. 

I held up my red boxing gloves, looked my trainer straight in the eyes and then  with every last ounce of energy I had - I punched, one glove at a time, until that minute was up. 

She was pushing me a little harder, encouraging me to make it a little longer, because she knew I could do it and she knows the end results of the perseverance of hard work - great gratification and great arms . 

I don't think I've never felt better than when that minute was up; partly because i was finished, but mostly because I had succeeded in determination to struggle though the exercise and in the end felt such an amazing sense of accomplishment that I made it without giving in.

There is a great old saying, "Life likes to throw us punches". How true is that?  Each one of us will have a situation, relationship or struggle come to mind the second we read that. There are situations and circumstances in our lives that we will have to endure through...

People are going to say the wrong things.

We are going to take the things they say the wrong way.  

Friends will disappoint us. 

Relationships will be broken. 

Trust will be lost.

Faith will be tested. 

I find encouragement in the midst of the struggles in my life when I remember that everything that happens to me, good or bad, plays a role in me becoming who I am, more and more every day.  It doesn't make the hurt go away, the trust come back easily, or heal relationships; but it gives me the strength to persevere.

I find encouragement in the midst of the struggles in my life when I remember that there is a God who uses all things for good. That He orchestrates everything in my life to play a role in me becoming who I am, more and more everyday. 

And you know what? He can make the hurt go away, renew trust, heal relationships and give the strength to persevere.

He is my ultimate encouragement.

In the bible, Jesus the son of God says to us, "Here on earth you will have trials and sorrows..." John 16:33b. He said this not to discourage us, but "so that we may have peace in him." John 16:33a.

Friends, persevere through the times in your life that feel like they are enough to take you down.

Put up your gloves and punch through it - one knock at a time. God, the creator of heaven and earth, knows that the finishing result of that perseverance is for your good and for a purpose.  

Women!  Lift up those gloves! Look life straight in the eye and knock out that minute - one punch at a time. 

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised."  james 1:11 -13 

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