May 9, 2011

The Journey

Last week I went for a little walk around a beautiful lake along rambling wooded paths.
I had never been around this lake before, and I was not quite sure which direction to head.
But just as soon as my heart would pick up its pace, my mind worried I wouldn't know the way to go...

...there would be a sign.

The sign comforted me, letting me know that I was heading in the right direction. Sometimes it would offer me alternate routes. Other times it would offer me a place of rest and reflection.

We are all on a walk, a journey.

But life does not always take us around a beautiful lake, sometimes the waters are not calm at all. Life can take us down harder trails where the wooded paths may not be gently rambling, instead they feel large and intimidating.

As women walking on this road, we can be signs of encouragement and direction for each other. A voice of comfort that says, "it's ok, you're heading in the right direction". A yeild sign of discernment for what might be ahead. A map showing that there are other routes.

As writers of this blog, we share a desire to encourage, support and walk with you on your journey. Come and join us every Monday and Wednesday as we explore this walk together.

Welcome to A Woman's Walk... a place where we can journey together.

1 comment:

  1. Yes welcome to A Woman's Walk! As one of the writers for this blog, I want to welcome you also! I am excited about the opportunity to have a "conversation" with Canadian women of all ages about the many things that come up in our lives everyday, sharing some of my struggles, passing on encouragement and exploring the journey together!


Here at A Woman's Walk, we are excited to talk about this life's journey and hearing from you as you travel yours!