Jun 6, 2011

Looking In...

It started as I drove into town for my Monday morning workout – I began looking in.

Music has a way of doing that to me.

God has a way of doing that to me.

‘Beautiful’ was the song playing on my i-pod. I listen to it like someone with O.C.D rubs a disinfectant rhythmically and consistently over their hands until they feel like it works, hoping the words will leap out of the music and sink into my heart, until they become a part of me, until they become what I truly believe, until I really know it’s in there…

Once I was getting out of my car and walking into the fitness studio, I knew it was going to be more than a physical work out – just me and my coach – always a prime opportunity for great talks and coaching each other on what is going on in our lives.

I told her that the drive over had already began lending some insight into my physical "road block' this morning. She asked me questions that I knew were coming from somewhere much deeper; I immediately felt the pang of the working of my inner spiritual and belief muscles, as I pumped away at my physical ones.

Have you ever worked out your eye sockets? I have – holding back tears is tuff work.

Once I was home again I caught a post on a friend’s blog that brought me back to those studio conversations. Her words began to encourage me to walk in what I was feeling, to explore it -don’t pack it away. I felt moved to seek God on the issue. In the writing I uncovered a hint of the purpose behind what I was going to have to walk through. And as I was reading I heard in my heart the words, “this is the way, my way …walk in it”

I went to hear a motivational Christian speaker, Grace Fox, just the other night with some friends. And as these conversations from my day were happening the speakers words came back to me…

time to move from fear and step into freedom…

learn to clothe myself with strength and dignity…

it is this journey that makes me stronger, not my strength that helps me make the journey…

faith is meant for everyone - including me.

I did a part of my workout attempting to look in the mirror - something I never do. Looking in the mirror is one exercise I cannot seem to find the will to try and I certainly can't seem to master. As I was looking I began to search my face, my body, my eyes for what others see, for what God sees. He wants to show me what is there of value, what others see, what He sees as beautiful.

But first I need to dare to look up and see it and then choose to believe it…

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