Jul 26, 2011

Let Us Come and Eat...

"I don't ever want to live in an Orphanage, Mama."
The most random thoughts escape the lips of my littlest beauty. Her imagination runs wild like river rapids.

"Why would you have to live in an Orphanage?" I question her.

"If you couldn't take care of me, wouldn't you bring me there?... Like, if you couldn't feed me?"

"Baby Girl, I would give up all I have to take care of you and feed you." I'm trying to give reason that her young age will understand.

"But, what if you had nothing, Mama. Then what?"
I can tell she needs to explore all the odds. Exhaust all the circumstances.

"I would still want you near me, no matter what. Besides, Baby Girl... even if we had nothing, we would always have Jesus."

My last statement ignited a grin on her tender face, from ear to ear, and broke the worry. The brightness of her smile lit up my heart.

"That's right, Mama! Did you know that Jesus calls himself 'The Bread of Life'? So, we wouldn't ever be hungry. He would take care of us and feed us, wouldn't He?"

The tears well in my eyes, and I smile at this beloved girl of mine. Precious and Delicate.
"Yes, yes He would."

"I knew it." she exclaims as she bounces off into the day.

Out of the mouth of babes, comes truth.
Simple foundational truths, we can learn from a child.

Jesus tells us "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)

"I am the bread of life. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:48,51)

Oh, Precious women... I thank God for you today!
I pray that we will all exhibit this child-like faith and believe in the One who will feed our spirits "real" bread. I pray that our relationship with Jesus will be deep, and wide, and all-consuming. May we truly know what it means to come to Him and feast.

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