May 18, 2011

Life Changing Moments

 She couldn't believe she was standing there crying.  It's not like she didn't see it coming.  Really, she scolded herself, she should have known.

The office buzzed with the sounds of the fax machine, pages rhythmically flowing through the copier, the phone ringing off the hook, feet padding up and then back down the halls, doors opening and doors closing.  But standing there with that paper in her hand, all those sounds faded except the closing of one door - the one that meant her life would never be the same.

Shaking, she re-read the doctors note through her tears - clinically depressed. 

"Sara, are you alright honey?" the nurse paused from rushing past her and softly placed her hand on her Sara's shoulder. "I can give you a room if you need a minute."

Sara drew her tears back in, wiping the ones that had escaped, onto her sleeve and pulled out her infamous smile, "Thanks Mary, your very sweet, but I'll be fine," and with that she tucked the small, doctor scribbled note into her side coat pocket and slipped out of the office and into her new reality.

Perhaps you can relate to Sara. Have you ever been told something that you knew would change everything in your world as you know it?  A diagnosis, a betrayal, a loss... How do we handle these life changing events, what do we do when our future completely changes in an instant...

Seclusion?     Or how about substance abuse?      Anger?      Or even denial? 

Have you ever considered Faith?

I'm not going to tell you how it will help you, but I can tell you that it will.  I'm not going to tell you that the instant you have faith all your problems will disappear, but I am going to tell you that you won't walk through them alone.

I have been in Sara's shoes.  I have felt those tears stain my face as I wept in the reality of a life changing situation.  And here is what I know to be true in those times when the world seems to stop...

You can call out to God, in the midst of your very weakness you can cry out to God with the harsh truth of the very situation you are facing. Tell Him your fear, your anger, your frustration, your confusion, your temptation.  He is not here to judge, he is here to hold you.  Simply open your heart, than open your mouth, and speak to Him.

 "He will be gracious to you at the sound of your cry,
when he hears it he will answer you..."
Isaiah 30:19

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